
This time-based thesis topic supports students to acquire the skills and knowledge to independently complete a Doctorate by research in their chosen field and develop the capacity to complete a body of work to meet the standards of a Doctorate by research award. It is only available to students admitted … For more content click the Read More button below.

Topic availabilities

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Tuition pattern

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The aims of this time-based thesis topic are to support students to develop specialised knowledge and research skills related to the area of their chosen research field. They will acquire high-level research skills and training, to enable them to work independently and complete a body of original research at the level of a Doctorate by research qualification.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Independently assess evidence of an original investigation or testing of ideas and competence in independent research or experimentation
Demonstrate their review and application of the literature in writing and orally (where appropriate)
Explain their mastery of appropriate conceptual and methodological skills
Validate the originality of their research topic in relation to a broader framework of knowledge
Assess research through critical analysis of source material, results of experiments (where appropriate), and published works
Justify and disseminate acquired knowledge and skills through the presentation of well-written work


To view assessment information, select an availability from the drop down, towards the top right of the screen.

Current students should refer to FLO for detailed assessment information, including due dates. Assessment information is accurate at the time of publishing.

For policy details, visit Assessments

Requisites information
