This topic examines how French gastronomy has evolved over time and remains a fundamental trait of French culture despite globalization. This topic will analyse French cuisine from historical, anthropological, social, and cultural viewpoints. A range of issues such as the influence of modern living, ethical questions, health but also new … For more content click the Read More button below.
Lectures and materials will be delivered in English.
This topic aims to:
- Expose students to contemporary cultural and societal issues through the study of French cuisine
- Provide opportunities for the development or consolidation of students' background knowledge of French culture
- Develop learners' critical and analytical skills through the study of texts, and foster students' involvement in individual research projects
Learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Evaluate key socio-cultural and historical developments specific to French cuisine
Interpret the connection of French cuisine to French identity through the analysis of authentic linguistic and audio-visual texts
Articulate socio-cultural and historical themes and issues specific to French gastronomy, both orally and in writing, to a range of audiences