Alert for students
This topic provides the opportunity for students to understand Indigenous research methodologies and to think critically and ethically about their practices when researching with Indigenous peoples and communities both in Australia and internationally. Through an Indigenous theoretical framework students are introduced to a broad range of protocols for Indigenous engagement … For more content click the Read More button below.
This topic provides students with the opportunity to examine research theory and practice critically, engage in debate and self-reflection, and develop knowledge and understanding of:
- A variety of Indigenous research methodologies and theoretical frameworks such as: Indigenous Standpoint theory, decolonising methodologies and Indigenous Queer theory
- Ethical and socially just practices when researching with Indigenous peoples and communities both in Australia and internationally
- Protocols for Indigenous engagement in Australia and internationally
- Issues involved in ethically applying western research methodologies to Indigenous contexts and an understanding of the issues involved in the misrepresentation and appropriation of Indigenous knowledges
- The colonising history and context of research methodologies and practices and their impacts on Indigenous peoples
- Methods for fostering interdisciplinary and intercultural partnerships and for working collaboratively
- Contemporary Indigenous approaches to transformative research practice
Learning outcomes
On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Evaluate Indigenous research methodologies and theoretical frameworks such as: Indigenous Standpoint theory, decolonising methodologies and Indigenous Queer theory
Critique the ethical and socially just practices when researching with Indigenous peoples and communities both in Australia and internationally
Design methods for interdisciplinary and intercultural partnerships and working collaboratively with Indigenous people
Ethically select the correct application for researching with Indigenous people that ensures Indigenous knowledge systems are not misrepresented
Requisites information