
This topic includes an introduction to the skills required to carry out research in psychology/behavioural sciences.The specific issues to be addressed include:Basic research skills (the scientific method, critical evaluation of research, experimental and non-experimental designs)Basic data analysis (uni- and bivariate descriptive statistics, inferential statistical analyses of bivariate relationships [t-tests, one-way … For more content click the Read More button below.

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This topic aims to:

  • Develop research design skills required in carrying out research in the psychological sciences
  • Introduce the basic univariate and bivariate data analysis skills required in carrying out research in the psychological sciences
  • Develop skills in the effective written communication of empirical psychological research
  • Introduce a more in-depth coverage of statistical alternatives to tests of statistical significance; primarily the APA recommended complementary techniques of confidence intervals and effect sizes
  • Develop a critical thinking approach to research
  • Teach ethical obligations of researchers

Learning outcomes

On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Demonstrate understanding of the fundamental research design concepts that underpin research in the psychological sciences
Apply the ethical standards that relate to research
Demonstrate an understanding of the statistical techniques learnt
Demonstrate an ability to use a statistical computing program to run analyses and to interpret the output
Demonstrate an ability to communicate, in written form, the outcomes of empirical research
Demonstrate an understanding of confidence intervals and effect sizes, and their relation to tests of statistical significance
Show a capacity to apply critical thinking and decision making skills in tackling research problems


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Current students should refer to FLO for detailed assessment information, including due dates. Assessment information is accurate at the time of publishing.

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