Alert for students

Melbourne and Sydney availability offered in 2025.


In this topic students will work towards their major third year exhibition piece. Combining skill acquisition with professional practice. This topic facilitates creation of major team projects, incorporating the skills and knowledge of specialised, individual, creative roles.


This topic aims to:

  • Facilitate high level skill acquisition with a specific, individual outcome
  • Provide students with the support required to create works that allow them to transition to entry level, industry roles
  • Assist students to create their major creative works for their third year project

Learning outcomes

On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Showcase the progress of their skills, in their chosen role in the pipeline, through producing works for final exhibition
Apply project planning and initiation tools to their own role within a larger project
Critique their own, and others', work in a constructive fashion
Respond to client feedback in the development of a final creative work

Requisites information
