Topic availabilities

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Tuition pattern

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This topic aims to:

  • Build confidence and self-efficacy in the student cohort
  • Familiarise students with the way the University works, its organisational structures and behavioural expectations
  • Develop academic and numerical literacy skills to a level commensurate with commencing university study
  • Develop students' confidence and competence in using digital technologies
  • Provide opportunities for students to demonstrate their written and oral communication skills
  • Provide opportunities for students to develop their critical thinking and problem solving skills

Learning outcomes

On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Locate and evaluate resources in support of study and research activities
Construct academic arguments that are supported by qualitative and/or quantitative evidence
Communicate thoughts, opinions, and arguments with structure and clarity in an academic setting
Ethically acknowledge the ideas and published works of others when engaging in academic discourse and apply referencing conventions
Explore disciplines and areas of study interest at the tertiary level independently and reflect on their potential to promote personal and professional growth


To view assessment information, select an availability from the drop down, towards the top right of the screen.

Current students should refer to FLO for detailed assessment information, including due dates. Assessment information is accurate at the time of publishing.

For policy details, visit Assessments

Requisites information
