
This topic introduces students to the experience of, and skills for, reading extended, authentic texts in French. Different traditions of French writing, both expository and literary, will be examined, and their textural components analysed. These texts will be considered within their socio-cultural, and historical contexts.


This topic aims to:

  • Introduce students to reading techniques and strategies, to enhance textual comprehension
  • Introduce students to the analysis of authentic texts in the French language
  • Enhance communicative competence through thematic discussions involving pair work and group work
  • Provide a framework to understand a range of socio-cultural issues presented in the texts studied
  • Develop critical and analytical skills through the study of French language texts

Learning outcomes

On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Read French texts with method
Perform a simple textual analysis
Identify the purpose and audience of a range of French texts
Discuss the historical and socio-cultural contexts of French texts
Communicate their analyses, both verbally and in writing, in French

Requisites information


Assumed knowledge

Introductory to intermediate French language.