
This topic provides students with the theoretical knowledge to understand a range of complex communication and swallowing needs in adults. In particular, evidence-based speech pathology research and practice are reviewed regarding appropriate evaluation and intervention approaches. Students will consider holistic client-centred, family-centred and community centred and interprofessional practice. They will … For more content click the Read More button below. Honours students will additionally learn to critically evaluate the literature to justify an area of research, develop a specific research question with well justified and ethical study design.

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  • Review evidence-based speech pathology research and practice regarding appropriate evaluation and intervention approaches for complex communication and swallowing needs in adults
  • Introduce students to the broad and diverse range of contexts in which speech pathology services are delivered for adults with complex communication and swallowing needs in Australia and internationally.
  • Investigate holistic client-centred, family-centred, community-centred and interprofessional practice approaches
  • Demonstrate how an integrated understanding of concepts integral to the ICF and ethical practice can be used to support the design and delivery of speech pathology services for adults with complex communication and swallowing needs
  • Facilitate students' understanding of the theory, principles and practice of working with adult clients with acquired communication disability to develop Augmentative and Alternative Communication solutions as part of a range of possible interventions
  • Introduce Honours students to the critical evaluation of literature to justify an area of research and develop a well justified and specific research question

Learning outcomes

On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Critically analyse and evaluate the literature to make a case for an area of research and propose a well justified and specific research question
Apply the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), to explain the impact of complex communication and/or swallowing needs on adults
Describe the role of speech pathologists and other professionals involved in the interprofessional management of an adult client with complex communication and swallowing disorders
Apply appropriate models of best practice in assessment and intervention for adult clients with complex communication and/or swallowing needs
Evaluate the effectiveness of intervention for adults with complex communication and/or swallowing needs
Integrate the values and preferences of the individual/family/community in the goal setting, care planning and delivery for adults with complex communication and/or swallowing needs.
Explain the broad and diverse range of contexts in which speech pathology services are delivered for adults with complex communication and swallowing needs


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Current students should refer to FLO for detailed assessment information, including due dates. Assessment information is accurate at the time of publishing.

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Requisites information

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Other topic information

Students will participate in Lectures, tutorials and workshops in topic SPTH3908