
This topic will give you the knowledge and tools you need to lead a healthier workplace or community organisation using a whole-of-system approach. We'll explore the role of leadership and how to influence organisational climate and systemic issues like bullying and discrimination that impact on employee mental health and wellbeing. … For more content click the Read More button below.

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This topic aims to produce graduates that:

  • Can critically evaluate principles that underpin different organisational approaches to mental health and wellbeing, especially promotion and prevention approaches, and use this to inform strategic decision making
  • Examine organisational dynamics that shape mental health and wellbeing including leadership and influence, prioritisation, strategy, job design and resourcing 
  • Possess a deep understanding organisational climate and systemic issues that reduce employee wellbeing (including bullying and discrimination) and lead action to support change
  • Are able to identify risks and risk attenuation strategies in the area of mental health and wellbeing
  • Take a psychological needs approach to workplace and role design, including consideration when creating organisational change
  • Posses skills and knowledge for evaluating and utilising evidence-based assessment tools and interventions, understanding their uses and limitations, and the importance of listening to lived experience


Learning outcomes

On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Contrast mental health strategies by examining their underlying assumptions and foci. including the extent to which they target mental wellbeing or mental illness, and relate to promotion, prevention, early intervention, crisis management, recovery, or support
Solve problems related to psychological risk in your workplace or community
Construct aspects of an organizational strategic plan demonstrating a whole-of-system approach
Communicate mental health and wellbeing priorities to others in effective ways
Analyse your own role as a leader in developing a mentally health workplace or community


To view assessment information, select an availability from the drop down, towards the top right of the screen.

Current students should refer to FLO for detailed assessment information, including due dates. Assessment information is accurate at the time of publishing.

For policy details, visit Assessments

Requisites information
