Alert for students

Flinders City Campus availability offered in 2026.


This topic will provide a basic understanding of Intelligent Systems and their applications, including a basic understanding and broad overview of Artificial Intelligence and Heuristic Search methodologies, and supervised and unsupervised Machine Learning and Data Mining technologies. The topic provides a balance of theory and practice, with two lectures on … For more content click the Read More button below.

Topic availabilities

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Tuition pattern

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  • To be able to specify, consult, deploy and implement intelligent software and systems
  • To understand and be able to employ Logic Programming, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Discovery paradigms and frameworks
  • To be able assess requirements and select or adapt appropriate methodologies, techniques and tools for the achievement of a task, including through interviewing personnel and reviewing literature
  • To be able to communicate with non-computing specialists and interdisciplinary specialists in the design of intelligent systems, learning paradigms or data mining applications
  • To develop an ability to work alone both in a team, including to integrate work and build extensible systems, and to negotiate an ethical solution acceptable to a diverse range of stakeholders

Learning outcomes

On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Understand concept of heuristics and the basic methodologies of designing intelligent systems and developing learning and mining paradigms
Understand the basic foundations to deal with the broad range of intelligent systems, applications and literature, including producing and critiquing proposals and reports appropriate to the field
Weigh up the basic human factors, personal and team relationships and ethical considerations and risks that affect the design and employment of intelligent systems
Achieve basic intelligent behaviours in simple programs and systems
Develop a basic understanding of the power of heuristics and tricks and the human propensities that make for a good or a bad interface, and that either easily convince the user into accepting behaviour as human or conversely irk the user as being somehow inhuman
Become familiar with styles of programming and system development that are knowledge, rule and logic based rather than depending on low level step by step instructions


To view assessment information, select an availability from the drop down, towards the top right of the screen.

Current students should refer to FLO for detailed assessment information, including due dates. Assessment information is accurate at the time of publishing.

For policy details, visit Assessments

Requisites information
