
This topic introduces and develops the framework of international tourism. It discusses the concepts of tourism best practice, the tourism system, sustainability, integrity and authenticity. It investigates the importance and the impact of tourism socially, environmentally and economically. This topic outlines industry sectors and key organisations, and investigates the concepts … For more content click the Read More button below.

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This topic aims to:

  • Introduce students to the tourism industry and examine how tourism product is developed for both the domestic and international market
  • Examine how destinations promote themselves internationally
  • Examine the impact of tourism from a social, environmental and economic perspective
  • Raise awareness of the need for cross-cultural understanding for both Indigenous and international cultures from a tourism perspective
  • Introduce the concepts of site integrity and sustainable tourism management

Learning outcomes

On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Examine tourism concepts from both an Australian and global perspective
Distinguish the main elements of sustainable tourism management
Investigate the different types of tourism
Differentiate between social, physical and environmental impacts at tourism sites and attractions
Implement knowledge of tourism products and design bespoke experiences
Investigate how governments at all levels plan for and implement tourism strategies


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Current students should refer to FLO for detailed assessment information, including due dates. Assessment information is accurate at the time of publishing.

For policy details, visit Assessments

Requisites information
