
To be read in conjunction with the program of study requirements of the course in which you are enrolled.The minor is focussed on the teaching, learning and support of children and young people who have substantial and extensive support needs. People living with complex disabilities typically have two or more … For more content click the Read More button below.

Student guidance

Program of study overview


The minor aims to:

  • Provide contemporary knowledge of local, national and international policy, legislation, research perspectives, issues and evidence-informed practices associated with the education of children and young people with complex disabilities
  • Enable graduates to develop expertise in the teaching and learning of children and young people with complex disabilities who require personalised and family-centred programming
  • Equip graduates with critical, creative and ethical thinking, problem-solving and research skills to enable them to engage in critical reflection on and inquiry into theoretical and practical frameworks of practices, and to be creative, flexible and ethical in their approach
  • Develop graduates’ knowledge, skills and understandings about inclusive and specialised education that will enable them to design, implement and evaluate programs and services which improve the learning and wellbeing for children and young people with complex disabilities and their families
  • Develop skilled professionals who are able to communicate and collaborate effectively and ethically with children, parents, carers, educators and other professionals
  • Develop graduates who are equipped to provide leadership and advocacy in the inclusive and specialised education of children and young people with complex disabilities

Learning outcomes

On completion students will be able to:
Explain and apply educational research principles and practices to assessment, planning and teaching for learners with complex disabilities
Analyse and critically reflect on complex and conflicting research, commentary, concepts, theories, and issues in inclusive and specialised education policy and practice for learners with complex disabilities
Articulate how contemporary values, policy, legislation and ethical principles that underpin inclusive and specialised education inform and support advocacy and service provision for children and young people with complex disabilities and their families/carers
Demonstrate research-informed knowledge, skills, and dispositions in inclusive education for children and young people with complex disabilities
Design, implement, evaluate, and refine educational programs for learners with complex disabilities through independent and collaborative practices with families, carers and professionals

Available in courses

Graduate Certificate in Education
Master of Inclusive and Specialised Education - 2 years
Master of Inclusive and Specialised Education - 1.5 years