To be read in conjunction with the program of study requirements of the course in which you are enrolled.
Student guidance
Program of study overview
Program of study
36 Units
Level 1 - Core9 Units
Level 2 - Option13.5 Units
Level 3 - Option13.5 Units
The sociology major aims to:
- Develop students’ sociological imagination, to make connections between individual lives and social patterns
- Highlight the value of sociological knowledge for understanding and responding to societal challenges and opportunities
- Explore social change and continuity
- Build students’ capacity to interpret diverse qualitative and quantitative data
- Support students to apply data and sociological theories and concepts to contemporary social issues
Available in courses
Bachelor of Laws (Honours) - Legal Practice Entry / Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of International Relations and Political Science / Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice / Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Arts (Health in Community Contexts)
Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice (Honours) / Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Laws - Legal Practice Entry / Bachelor of Arts
Diploma in Arts
Bachelor of Tourism and Events / Bachelor of Arts
Associate Degree in Arts - Exit Only
Bachelor of Education Studies, Bachelor of Arts - Exit Only
Bachelor of Arts and Science