
To be read in conjunction with the program of study requirements of the course in which you are enrolled.

Student guidance

Program of study overview


The minor aims to:

  • Enhance pre‐service teachers’ confidence and enthusiasm for learning in and through the arts
  • Develop pre‐service teachers’ deep knowledge of the elements and principles of Visual Arts and various visual media suitable for
    learning in the primary years
  • Develop pre‐service teachers’ appreciation of art history
  • Enhance pre‐service teachers’ capacity to plan highly effective classroom teaching and evidence, evaluate and improve the impact of
    their teaching on student learning in and through the arts
  • Enhance pre‐service teachers’ ability to explain and justify their pedagogical approach
  • Develop pre‐service teachers’ capacity to continue their professional learning in the arts

Learning outcomes

On completion students will be able to:
Identify, critique and devise safety strategies for a range of media as they make artworks
Distinguish between artworks from different times and places
Design a sequence of lessons in the arts across a range of media that create cross curricular links
Plan strategies to evidence, evaluate and improve the impact of their teaching on student learning
Explain the rationale and evidence supporting their pedagogical approach
Evaluate the development of their knowledge, understanding and skills related to expressive arts and identify goals, strategies and resources to continue their professional learning

Available in courses

Bachelor of Early Childhood Education - Birth to 8
Bachelor of Education (Primary)