
To be read in conjunction with the program of study requirements of the course in which you are enrolled.

Student guidance

Program of study overview


The major aims to:

  • Provide students with the essential knowledge of second language acquisition theories they need to become TESOL practitioners
  • Provide students with the essential tools for classroom practice they need to become TESOL practitioners
  • Develop students’ awareness of the diverse linguistic and cultural communities who are learning English as a second/additional language
  • Develop students’ ability to connect across geographical, social and cultural boundaries
  • Produce graduates who are able to teach English to speakers of other languages in school contexts, and who strive to continually
  • improve their knowledge of the field and their teaching practice

Learning outcomes

On completion students will be able to:
Defend knowledge of current theories in second language acquisition as they apply to TESOL
Evaluate current issues related to second language acquisition, teaching methodologies and approaches and English language learners in TESOL
Design and implement activities and lessons to facilitate English language learners’ language acquisition
Select second language teaching methodologies and approaches for use in their own classroom teaching practice in TESOL
Choose current theories in second language acquisition to evaluate their own and others’ classroom teaching practice in TESOL
Develop their own teaching methodology and approach informed by current theories in second language acquisition as they apply to TESOL

Available in courses

Bachelor of Education (Secondary)