To be read in conjunction with the program of study requirements of the course in which you are enrolled.
Student guidance
Program of study overview
Program of study
18 Units
Level 2 - Core4.5 Units
Level 3 - Core13.5 Units
With the graduate qualities identified by the university in mind, the Outdoor Education minor seeks to produce graduates with the following knowledge, skills and values:
- A strong knowledge of theories, factual content, pedagogical approaches, capabilities, responsibilities, and research procedures in outdoor education.
- The ability to apply a spectrum of leadership and teaching styles to effectively foster deep understanding, a capacity for independent inquiry, and learning in cooperation with others in outdoor education settings.
- The ability to create place responsive and contextually meaningful learning experiences in, through and about outdoor environments
- The ability to analyse and critically evaluate ideas and solve problems in outdoor education settings.
- The ability to safely and effectively facilitate outdoor education experiences that align with the achievement of curriculum outcomes.
- A commitment to reflective practice and life-long learning to promote constant renewal of knowledge and skills considering advances in the field.
- A commitment to Fostering human-nature relationships
Learning outcomes
On completion students will be able to:
Apply their knowledge of outdoor education as a social, cultural, and environmental endeavour to advance equity by reducing discrimination and disadvantage through learning experiences
Create safe, inclusive, and engaging learning environments to provide experiences in the outdoors that support lifelong health of individuals, communities, and environments
Value the significance of place, culture and diversity in the creation, delivery, and evaluation of outdoor learning experiences
Evaluate and justify their own skills, knowledge, and expertise to identify opportunities for personal growth and development
Apply a strict aversion to fatalities by assessing and managing risks prior to and dynamically during activities
Create opportunities for experiential learning that authentically connects students with themselves, environment, and others in alignment with program purpose and outcomes
Critically analyse the actions of self and others to promote positive and meaningful human-nature relationships
Available in courses
Bachelor of Education (Secondary Health and Physical Education)