
To be read in conjunction with the program of study requirements of the course in which you are enrolled.

Student guidance

Program of study overview

Program of study
58.5 Units

Level 1 - Option4.5 Units


The geography major provides students with a broad-based foundation in geography and allied areas. These studies also aim to develop a range of skills, including the capacity to:

  • Apply relevant geographical principles to problem solving as well as to understanding of everyday issues
  • Employ the diverse research techniques used in geographical fields
  • Interpret and present information about geography in appropriate ways, including communicating effectively with a variety of audiences in written, visual, and spoken form
  • Retrieve, critically analyse, and evaluate information relevant to geography and apply this knowledge to solve problems and add to knowledge
  • Appreciate the multidisciplinary power of geography and engage positively with people and ideas beyond the discipline
  • Appreciate the role of geography in society and the ethical issues associated with it
  • Work independently and take responsibility for updating and adapting their knowledge and skills
  • Work cooperatively and productively within a team

The major provides the foundations that will underpin ongoing professional development, preparing graduates for further study in geography or another science or non-science related discipline, or for a career in a geography related field or in other areas where the range of skills and knowledge acquired is needed or desirable.

Learning outcomes

On completion students will be able to:
Demonstrate a coherent geographical understanding of trends, processes and impacts that shape Australian and other environments and/or societies at different spatial and temporal scales
Demonstrate an understanding of geography as an academic discipline, including awareness of its concepts, history and principal subfields, whilst acknowledging the contested, provisional and situated nature of geographical understanding
Apply geographical thought creatively, critically and appropriately to specific spaces, places and/or environments
Recognise, evaluate and synthesise various views, arguments and sources of knowledge pertinent to solving environmental and social problems
Resolve geographical questions by ethical means, applying evidence-based knowledge and appropriate research techniques, including those associated with field work
Communicate geographical perspectives and knowledge effectively to specialist and non-specialist audiences using appropriately selected written, oral and visual means
Contribute effectively as a member or leader of diverse teams working in geographical or multidisciplinary contexts
Reflect on and direct their intellectual and professional development as geographers

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