
To be read in conjunction with the program of study requirements of the course in which you are enrolled.

Student guidance

Program of study overview

Program of study
36 Units


The major aims to produce graduates that:

  • Have a strong knowledge of cultures and societies in a number of temporal and geographical contexts
  • Have a strong knowledge of perspectives on historical events and agents and how these perspectives contribute to historical discourse within the profession and more broadly undertake historical research and reporting
  • Effectively communicate a nuanced understanding of historical events and concepts in a range of written and oral forms
  • Work independently and collaboratively
  • Have a commitment to maintaining the normative ethical standard of the discipline of history in the graduate's research and reporting practices
  • Understand the necessity of life-long learning and constant renewal of knowledge and skills in light of advances in the graduate's chosen field

It is envisaged that the graduate qualities embedded in these aims will be introduced at first level, consolidated at the second level and mastered at the third level.

Available in courses

Bachelor of Education (Secondary)