
To be read in conjunction with the program of study requirements of the course in which you are enrolled.

Student guidance

Program of study overview


The Minor is designed to provide research skills to enhance teaching practice that is reflective, evidence-based and research informed. Practitioners within education will be encouraged to critically evaluate approaches to teaching and learning with a particular focus on what informs observation and decision making with the intention for enhancing change. It aims to provide students with a sound analysis and synthesis of contemporary research methods and evidence-based practice. Upon completion, students will be able to effectively communicate research insights to advance the field of education.   

Learning outcomes

On completion students will be able to:
Demonstrate working knowledge of terms, assumptions and approaches to research that are current in Education and Social Sciences
Reflect on contemporary research methods and ethical research practice to address challenges in education
Apply focussed and ethical research methods to understand and address research issues in education
Apply various communication skills and evidence based practices to effectively disseminate research insights

Available in courses

Master of Inclusive and Specialised Education - 2 years
Master of Education - 1.5 years
Master of Education - 2 years
Graduate Certificate in Education Research
Master of Inclusive and Specialised Education - 1.5 years