To be read in conjunction with the program of study requirements of the course in which you are enrolled.
Student guidance
Program of study overview
Program of study
45 Units
Core45 Units
This honours program aims to provide students with an opportunity for more comprehensive research training which will complement their professional skills and competencies, allow them to become more competitive in the workplace, expand their career options and provide a more accessible pathway for progress to postgraduate research.
The Honours program is founded on teaching and learning practices designed to encourage life long learning in the practice of nutrition and dietetics.
Learning outcomes
On completion students will be able to:
Demonstrate knowledge, skills and attitudes required to analyse and synthesise nutrition and dietetic issues in a range of settings
Demonstrate communication skills for provision of nutrition and dietetic counselling and education to individuals and groups, using a variety of methods
Apply the principles of research and evidence-based practice, and advanced level communication skills to justify and defend nutrition and dietetic professional reasoning and decision-making
Have developed independent learning and reflexivity for self-evaluation and management of nutrition and dietetic practice
Understand the importance of inter-professional and cross cultural perspectives in nutrition and dietetic practice
Have developed skills to practice in a changing work environment demonstrating accountability at the individual and organisational level
Demonstrate excellence in professional behaviours including commitment to continuing professional development
Enquire critically into nutrition and dietetic practice issues and, plan and execute a substantial project that demonstrates an advanced level of autonomy and scholarship
Available in courses
Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics (Honours) - 4.25 years