
To be read in conjunction with the program of study requirements of the course in which you are enrolled.

Student guidance

Program of study overview


This minor provides opportunities to critically examine recent literature, engage in debate and reflection, and apply in–depth knowledge of policies and practices related to wellbeing for students, teachers and others engaged with education. Students engage with theoretical ideas and practical approaches in education to improve pedagogy, classroom practice, assessment, policies and practices to improve staff and student wellbeing

Learning outcomes

On completion students will be able to:
Critically reflect on pedagogical approaches to examine holistic and relational components of teaching practice and pedagogy that promote wellbeing in educational contexts
Critique current theory and research in wellbeing and positive mental health educational policies and practices to inform education change that is sensitive to context
Apply relational, mindful, creative and collaborative approaches to enhance wellbeing as a common outcome across educational practices
Contribute to the construction of educational policy that enhances student wellbeing by applying an evidence informed approach

Available in courses

Master of Inclusive and Specialised Education - 2 years
Graduate Certificate in Student Wellbeing
Master of Education - 1.5 years
Master of Education - 2 years