Student guidance
Program of study
108 Units
Admission requirements
The Bachelor of Health Sciences (Health Management) is a multidisciplinary course specialisation that aims to comprehensively prepare you for a career in the diverse modern healthcare environment. The flexible program of study begins with core topics providing a fundamental understanding of anatomy and physiology, health systems, and social and psychological determinants of health and wellbeing essential to health practice. Specialisation topics in Health Management aim to equip you with the business and management skills required to apply in the health care environment. You will develop the ability to critically approach new challenges in contemporary healthcare, and be equipped to enter the workforce in a variety of health related sectors, or pursue postgraduate studies in a health related discipline.
Learning outcomes
Student progression rules
Failure to complete the course within eight consecutive years or the award of a Fail (F) in the same topic on more than one occasion, may constitute prima facie evidence of unsatisfactory progress for the purposes of the University's Policy on Student Progress.