The Graduate Certificate in Clinical Education - Online is a multi-disciplinary is designed to provide health professionals with advanced knowledge and skills to deliver clinical education in health service settings.This is an emergent specialty field of education characterised by a symbiotic relationship between the learner, an experienced clinical educator and … For more content click the Read More button below.
Student guidance
Program of study overview
Program of study notes
Program of study
Year 118 Units
Admission requirements
Admission requirements
The course provides health professionals with advanced knowledge and skills to deliver clinical education in health service settings. This is an emergent specialty field of education characterised by a symbiotic relationship between the learner, an experienced clinical educator and the health service. The course aims to provide health professionals with an understanding of foundational principles of symbiotic clinical education.
Learning outcomes
On completion of the course you will be able to:
Have advanced knowledge relating to the theory, policy and practice of symbiotic clinical education within the health professions, universities and health services
Have advanced cognitive, technical and communication skills relating to the theory, policy and practice of symbiotic clinical education
Critically analyse information, problems, concepts and theories relating to symbiotic clinical education and the educational programs offered across a range of health professions and disciplines
Analyse learning and teaching pedagogies and practices
Transmit knowledge, skills, ideas and solutions related to symbiotic clinical education to others, including stakeholders within the health professions, universities, health services, governments and community
Demonstrate autonomy, adaptability and responsibility as an educational practitioner
Supervise health professionals learning in clinical practice
Demonstrate well-developed judgement relating to the theory, policy and practice of symbiotic clinical education within the health professions, universities and health services
Nested association