Student guidance
Program of study
144 Units
Admission requirements
The course has been designed to prepare students to become computing professionals able to:
- Design, develop, install, execute and support applications, systems software and hardware products
- Solve complex problems through the use of information technology
- Design, manage and analyse complex data-rich environments
- Undertake a substantial research-oriented project
- Work effectively both as an individual and as part of a team
- Exhibit a strong, practical understanding of professional and ethical responsibilities
The course provides experience of working in a team environment in industry. It also provides the foundations that will underpin ongoing professional development, preparing graduates for further study or for a career in an IT-related field or in other areas where the range of skills and knowledge acquired is needed or desirable.
Student progression rules
Students achieving a GPA of at least 5 at the end of the third year will be eligible to continue into the fourth year of the course. Students who do not meet the GPA requirement will be able to exit with the Bachelor of Information Technology on completion of 108 units according to the first three years of study in the degree.