The Bachelor of Letters (Health) - Graduate Entry is a 108 unit program for which 72 units of block credit is automatically granted on the basis of completion of an approved prior bachelor's degree or equivalent qualification.The Bachelor of Letters enables students to follow their interests and aspirations and enhance … For more content click the Read More button below.
Course offerings
Bedford Park
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Program of study overview
Program of study notes
Program of study
36 Units
Year 136 Units
Admission requirements
Admission requirements
The course specialisation aims to produce graduates who can understand the evidence-base of health issues and who can apply the knowledge from their chosen area of health study. Graduates of this degree will be able to add their additional health knowledge to their first degree in order to broaden their professional skill base.
Learning outcomes
On completion of the course you will be able to:
Acquire and evaluate the fundamental knowledge relevant to the health specialisation under study
Critique individual, social and environmental perspectives of the health specialisation under study
Critically analyse health outcomes for individuals and communities
Use critical thinking and evidence-based approaches to analyse health issues
Evaluate and critique health policy
Compare and contrast international and global issues in health
Evaluate inter-professional, ethical and cross-cultural dimensions of health
Summarise the impact of social determinants on the health of Indigenous peoples
Course/Course specialisation association