
Students in fourth year of the Bachelor of Medical Science (Laboratory Medicine) specialisation will undertake work integrated learning professional practice placements (Professional Practice in Medical Science 1 and Professional Practice in Medical Science 2) in a registered diagnostic laboratory from a list of metropolitan and regional South Australian options provided.

Topic availabilities

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Tuition pattern

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The professional practice placement in medical science aims to provide students with the opportunity to be active members of a registered (approved) diagnostic laboratory. It is expected that students will build on, integrate and apply the theoretical and practical knowledge gained in the pre-placement years to a wide range of activities within the diagnostic laboratory setting. Students will work with others in a professional environment to acquire important knowledge, principles and gain competence according to standards set out for medical scientists.

An introductory orientation workshop will provide students with key information about the professional placement. At the commencement of the semester, it is expected that students will spend the equivalent of five days per week, full-time (7.5 hrs/day) or part-time equivalent for 13 weeks learning in a hands-on environment in their host laboratory under close supervision of their laboratory supervisor.

Students will be required to keep a laboratory notebook addressing the topic learning outcomes which are aligned with the competency standards set out for medical scientists. Towards the end of semester, students will provide a written analysis of their learning experience during their placement and present a placement overview via an oral presentation to peers and academic and lab supervisors.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this topic you will be expected to be able to:
Demonstrate growing competency in applying biomedical science knowledge to the practice of a laboratory medical scientist according to the competency standards for medical scientists
Perform the collection, preparation, and analysis of clinical material using a range of techniques, protocols and equipment appropriate to the laboratory
Participate in correlation, validation, and interpretation of results of laboratory investigations using clinical information and recognise the need for further tests or repeat procedures within established guidelines
Utilise the available laboratory administrative systems to interpret, report and issue laboratory results in a timely manner and in accordance with established laboratory protocols
Become aware of and familiar with the standard operating procedures of the laboratory. Maintain documentation, service and calibrate equipment, participate in preparation and/or revision of laboratory manuals and ensure appropriate resources are available in-line with accreditation requirements and laboratory need
Develop an understanding and practice of safe working practices relevant to a laboratory with knowledge of the Australian Standards and legislation
Develop an understanding of professional accountability and the professional development expected of medial scientists
Demonstrate responsibility for professional practice including an understanding of the approach required to make a judgement on test selection and the development and use of appropriate laboratory investigations
Observe and gain an appreciation of how medical scientists liaise with health workers and others to continuously improve the service
Appreciate the contribution of medical scientists to the in the education and training of health workers and others
Appreciate the contribution of medical scientists to the advancement and improvement of laboratory practice
Demonstrate the ability to work with others in a team environment and develop and understanding of the professional environment within which medical scientists' practice
Develop competency in clear and effective written and verbal communication, with cultural safety, in the context of diverse and inter-professional teams


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Current students should refer to FLO for detailed assessment information, including due dates. Assessment information is accurate at the time of publishing.

For policy details, visit Assessments

Requisites information


Additional information

Other topic information

This topic is taught and assessed as a continuum
