
To be read in conjunction with the program of study requirements of the course in which you are enrolled.

Student guidance

Program of study overview


The minor aims to:

  • Provide current and scholarly literature on research, theories and practices relevant to learning difficulties and disabilities, literacy, numeracy and differentiated and inclusive practices.
  • Develop the critical thinking tools and strategies with which to analyse, evaluate and synthesise ideas that can be applied to diverse settings in able to support diverse learners and those experiencing learning difficulties
  • Equip students with theoretical and practical models and frameworks to design, implement and advocate for a range of inclusive educational practices that support learners who have learning difficulties and/or disabilities

Learning outcomes

On completion students will be able to:
Critically reflect on, evaluate and respond to current research and scholarship related to students with learning difficulties and disabilities
Articulate and explain their professional knowledge and understanding of the nature and causes of learning difficulties and learning disabilities in students
Apply knowledge and skills to demonstrate autonomy, informed judgement, of knowledge adaptability and responsibility as a practitioner
Understand and facilitate adaptations to teaching and learning contexts, and design and implement learning supports that promote inclusive practices for students with learning difficulties and learning disabilities

Available in courses

Master of Cognitive Psychology and Educational Practice - 2 years
Master of Leadership in Education - 2 years
Master of Cognitive Psychology and Educational Practice - 1.5 years
Graduate Certificate in Education
Master of Inclusive and Specialised Education - 2 years
Master of Leadership in Education - 1.5 years
Master of Inclusive and Specialised Education - 1.5 years