
The Master of Leadership in Education focuses on working with aspiring, middle and senior leaders to understand how they might grow their leadership as change agents with knowledge and the relational sensibilities to work with others for a better world. It reflects the need to think about how traditional notions … For more content click the Read More button below.

Student guidance

Program of study overview
Program of study notes

Program of study
54 Units

Year 136 Units
Year 218 Units
Research Component 18 Units

Admission requirements

Admission requirements
English Language requirements


This course aims to:

  • Work with middle and senior leaders in a variety of contexts including schooling to understand how they might grow their leadership as change agents with knowledge and the relational sensibilities to work with others for a better world
  • Critically discuss how leaders build human capacity and relationships within particular contexts to work with diverse groups of people in challenging times, to support their wellbeing and that of the organisation
  • Engage middle and senior leaders who are students in the course in learning that integrates theory with practice, action with reflection, and questions with investigation
  • Provide students with the opportunity to examine research principles and methods and to apply those principles and methods in the evaluation and design of research into current educational issues

Student progression rules

Students must have achieved a GPA of at least 6 in 13.5 units of study in the area of the dissertation to be able to undertake the dissertation topics.

Note that students who wish to use their masters qualification to satisfy entry into a Flinders University research higher degree are required to have completed at least an 18 unit postgraduate research component.