
To be read in conjunction with the program of study requirements of the course in which you are enrolled.

Student guidance

Program of study overview


The Italian major aims to:

  • Foster proficiency in linguistic, socio-cultural and communicative areas related to Italian language and culture
  • Expose students to a wide range of knowledge sources in order to develop students' skills and knowledge that are both specific to Italian language and culture and cross-disciplinary (e.g. translation, cinema)
  • Develop students' ability to analyse and respond to written and visual texts in Italian of varying difficulty
  • Develop students' awareness of local and global communities of Italian speakers
  • Develop students' awareness of and reflection about language and culture diversity locally and globally
  • Train students to form broad conceptual understandings of issues relating to cross- and inter-cultural communication
  • Provide opportunities for metacognitive training to enhance language acquisition and maximise opportunities to progress in language learning within and beyond the classroom

Learning outcomes

On completion students will be able to:
Communicate at a proficient level of competence in Italian
Demonstrate a broad knowledge of Italian Cultural Studies
Demonstrate a critical understanding of key cultural aspects of Italian studies
Demonstrate knowledge and skills in relation to cross- and inter-cultural communication and an ability to interact in a global, yet multilingual and multicultural world
Understand and respect local and global cultural and linguistic diversity
Be aware of themselves as languages learners and users

Available in courses

Diploma in Arts
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Laws (Honours) - Legal Practice Entry / Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Tourism and Events Management / Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Laws - Legal Practice Entry / Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Education Studies, Bachelor of Arts - Exit Only
Bachelor of International Relations and Political Science / Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Languages
Bachelor of Education Studies, Bachelor of Languages - Exit Only
Bachelor of Languages / Bachelor of International Relations and Political Science
Diploma in Letters (Italian) - Exit Only
Bachelor of Arts and Science
Bachelor of Tourism and Events Management / Bachelor of Languages
Diploma in Language
Associate Degree in Arts - Exit Only