
To be read in conjunction with the program of study requirements of the course in which you are enrolled.

Student guidance

Program of study overview
Program of study notes


The Honours Program in Modern Greek aims to offer students opportunities to extend previous knowledge acquired at undergraduate level, in the field of Modern Greek language and Greek cultural studies. In particular, through the Honours thesis the program engages students with issues in Greek and Greek speaking societies, engage students in extended research in a selected area of Greek studies through the Honours thesis, deepen their ability to analyse and respond to complex authentic written and visual texts, enhance students' awareness of local and global communities of Modern Greek speakers, and strengthen their awareness of, and reflections about, language and culture diversity locally and globally. Students will also have the opportunity to choose to engage with the community of speakers of their language of study through a Work Integrated Learning activity.

Learning outcomes

On completion students will be able to:
Analyse complex authentic texts and document in Modern Greek and make use of sophisticated language for communication
Show evidence of an advanced knowledge of linguistic and cultural aspects of Modern Greek, according to the area of specialisation chosen
Review their skills and knowledge and apply to a range of research activities and model expertise in various modes of research communication
Create an extended piece of research in the area of Modern Greek and in English, including identifying and analysisng research material in Modern Greek and English, and interpreting and applying ethical considerations
Read, summarise, analyse and interpret argumentative texts of an historical, artistic, cultural and/or social nature at an advanced level

Available in courses

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) - 1 year