
This minor has been specifically developed in collaboration with industry partners to build workforce capacity for people who work in organizations or work with people who have experienced trauma.

Student guidance

Program of study overview


This minor aims to:

  • Develop student understanding about contemporary research in relation to trauma, impact of trauma and modalities of interventions
  • Increase awareness among helping professionals about the prevalence and nature of trauma experiences among diverse population groups and experiences
  • Advance the knowledge and skills of students from a diverse range of professional backgrounds about trauma and the impact of trauma on individual and system functioning
  • Advance student knowledge and skills about the different forms of trauma experiences and trauma theory
  • Highlight the diversity of trauma experiences associated with various lifespan stages, different cultural perspectives, and specific life events
  • Introduce students to a range of practice methods and approaches that are culturally sensitive and inclusive
  • Support students to mitigate the effects of personal biography and experiences of trauma on professional practice
  • Enable students to pursue areas of study about trauma that are of particular interest to their practice or professional development

Learning outcomes

On completion students will be able to:
Synthesise specialised knowledge about trauma, trauma theories and contemporary research explaining trauma
Employ contemporary theory and practice principles to respond to complex contexts and situations of trauma with individuals and groups
Design and implement trauma informed responses in specific fields of practice informed by knowledge and research
Formulate culturally sensitive and inclusive practices for a range of trauma experiences at an individual and systems level
Reflexively evaluate independent judgements at an individual and systems levels in trauma responsive contexts for continued professional development
Demonstrate how your practice has improved in the areas of loss/trauma knowledge and skills

Available in courses

Master of Advanced Social Work Practice - 2 years
Graduate Certificate in Trauma Responsive Practice
Master of Advanced Social Work Practice - 1.5 years