Student guidance
Program of study
72 Units
The course offers an alternative study pathway for students who commence the Master of Nutrition and Dietetics but elect not to complete that degree. It ensures that such students are not disadvantaged and can complete a Masters degree, which can lead to careers in such areas as nutrition, public health, health education or health promotion. Alternatively, students completing a Master of Human Nutrition may progress to postgraduate research. Students who complete the Master of Human Nutrition will not qualify to practice as dietitians and will not be recognised as accredited practicing dietitians by the relevant professional body. They may be eligible for Associate Membership of the relevant professional body or registration with the Nutrition Society of Australia.
Learning outcomes
Student progression rules
Failure to complete the course within four consecutive years, may constitute prima facie evidence of unsatisfactory progress for the pursposes of the University's Policy on Student Progress. Where credit has been granted a lesser period to complete the course may be set by the Dean (Education).
The award of a grade of Fail (F) in the same topic on more than one occasion, may constitute prima facie evidence of unsatisfactory progress for the purposes of the University Policy on Student Progress.
Except with the permission of the Dean (Education) a student may not proceed to a higher year unless they have satisfactorily completed the previous year's topics.