THIS COURSE COMPONENT IS NOT OFFERED IN SEMESTER 2, 2024. To be read in conjunction with the program of study requirements of the course in which you are enrolled.
Student guidance
Program of study overview
Program of study notes
Program of study
36 Units
Level 1 - Core9 Units
Level 2 - Core9 Units
Level 3 - Core9 Units
Elective9 Units
The major in Innovation and Enterprise aims to provide students with ability, knowledge and skills in:
- Applying innovative principles
- Understanding disruptive markets
- Identifying and maximizing opportunities
- Exploring novel new business models and how to innovate and evaluate viability
- How to design organizational environments that reward innovation
- How organizations can embrace disruptive environments
- How organizations create or add value
- How to develop creative problem solving
Learning outcomes
On completion students will be able to:
Assess and implement new ideas
Apply innovative principles
Understand disruptive markets
Identify and maximize opportunities
Create and manage new ventures
Develop entrepreneurial management practices
Create supportive environments that foster and enable innovation
Available in courses
Bachelor of Tourism and Events Management / Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Education Studies, Bachelor of Arts - Exit Only
Bachelor of Arts and Science