Student guidance
Program of study
108 Units
Admission requirements
This course provides students with a broad range of disciplinary and interdisciplinary studies from across the University, with a strong focus on aspects of human culture and achievement. Majors, extended majors and minors can be taken within the Colleges of: Education, Psychology and Social Work; Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences; Science and Engineering; and Business, Government and Law.
The course aims to provide students with:
- A coherent and advanced knowledge in their chosen areas of study
- The knowledge and ability to undertake a research project
- The ability to apply the knowledge they have acquired
- The ability to communicate at a high level in a range of contexts and settings
- The ability to work both independently and collaboratively
- The skills to connect across geographical, disciplinary, social and cultural boundaries
- An understanding of the value of ethical behaviour
Student progression rules
Students must maintain a GPA of at least 5 throughout the course. Students who have not met the GPA requirement after completing 36 units, 72 units and 108 units will be supported to transfer to the Bachelor of Arts.
Failure to complete the course within six consecutive years, may constitute prima facie evidence of unsatisfactory progress for the purposes of the University's Policy on Student Progress.
Except with the permission of the Course Co-ordinator students must normally enrol in a minimum of 18 units per year.
No more than 45 units and no less than 27 units of level 1 topics may be included in the 108 units for the degree.