
The theoretical content of this course is delivered online and can be accessed anywhere within the Northern Territory with internet coverage, however the clinical skills and practical education will be delivered by practical workshop intensives held in Darwin. This will require students to spend up to 1 or 2 weeks … For more content click the Read More button below.

Student guidance

Program of study overview
Program of study notes

Program of study

Admission requirements

Admission requirements


The aim of the Bachelor of Paramedicine - NT is the provision of a broad based education which covers the knowledge and skills required for paramedic practice, together with the political, administrative, social, epidemiological and legal environment which is applicable to the entire Australian health care system.

An appreciation of global trends within pre-hospital care will be encouraged through comparative investigations of practices of paramedics and emergency medical technicians from around the world. This broad base education aims to ensure graduates are equipped to function effectively as health care professionals and appreciate the roles and constraints of other health care professionals.

The course also aims to encourage critical thinking and resourcefulness, through the extensive use of problem based learning and clinical simulations, to ensure graduates are job ready for the demands of paramedic practice and have the ability to analyse and question current practices. Integrated with the challenges of a newly emergent profession, the course aims to promote a commitment to professionalism and contributions to growing a national professional entity.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the course you will be able to:
Demonstrate a sound underpinning knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology and pharmacology to a level required for effective diagnosis of patient conditions and rationalisation of treatments
Demonstrate competence at patient care, through effective patient assessment, diagnoses, treatment and evaluation of care provided
Direct an emergency health care team in a complex operation through effective leadership and communication
Apply principles of safe work practices in the environment of out of hospital care
Integrate paramedic practice within the broader context of health care with an appreciation of other health care professional roles and the policy and politics of health care systems
Analyse the sociological, psychological, legal and ethical of aspects of paramedic practice within the wider context of holistic health care provision
Synthesise effective oral presentation skills and professional writing through a proficient use of literature, data bases and practice guidelines
Discuss the obligation for development of the profession and self through lifelong learning, acquisition of new knowledge and reflective practice
Identify the link between evidence based practice and clinical practice guidelines used in Australia and internationally
Discuss the variations in paramedic practice across Australia and the World
Identify specific health care issues of indigenous people and outline strategies for effective delivery of care for indigenous people

Student progression rules

Failure to complete the course within six consecutive years, or the award of a grade of Fail (F) on more than one occasion, may constitute prima facie evidence of unsatisfactory progress for the purposes of the University's Policy on Student Progress.

A student who fails the clinical placement component of any topic will receive a Fail grade for that topic. A student may at any time be removed from a clinical placement for unprofessional behaviour and/or unsafe practice.

Professional accreditation and recognition

Professional accreditation


Honours - 1 year/Bachelor association