
The Diploma in Health - Extended is a multidisciplinary qualification that will prepare incoming international students for entry into a variety of Flinders University Bachelor degrees and subsequent careers in diverse modern health environments.   The Flinders University Academy provides a unique approach to learning and teaching in which key communication, … For more content click the Read More button below.

Student guidance

Program of study overview
Program of study notes

Admission requirements

Admission requirements
English Language requirements


The course aims to:

  • Develop the capacity to critically approach existing and new challenges in the contemporary healthcare environment
  • Apply knowledge and develop competencies through fundamental understanding of anatomy and physiology, health systems, and social and psychological determinants of health and well-being. 
  • Engage students in teamwork and develop interpersonal skills to become effective members of healthcare teams 
  • Develop understanding in clinical practice and academic scholarship, with abilities to adapt knowledge and skills to diverse healthcare environments
  • Prepare students for further study in their chosen health-related articulating degree

Learning outcomes

On completion of the course you will be able to:
Apply foundational theories and solve problems from within health
Apply foundational research, study and critical thinking skills to real-life healthcare scenarios
Logically articulate information using written spoken and other media with health
Understand Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives and contributions within an Australian context