
THIS COURSE IS NOT OFFERED IN 2023.The Doctor of Education - Research is a professional doctorate.The course enables its students to make a significant, original contribution to knowledge in education policy, management and practice, and provides its graduates with:An advanced understanding of the politics and ethics of education policy, research … For more content click the Read More button below.

Student guidance

Program of study overview
Program of study notes

Program of study

Coursework Component

Admission requirements

Admission requirements
English Language requirements


The course provides candidates with advanced and specialist studies enabling them to develop advanced skills and knowledge to undertake a variety of advanced professional roles in education. It is expected that graduates of this award will be able to integrate and apply the multidisciplinary skills and knowledge that are required to progress education policy, management and practice.

The course also enables candidates to make an original, sustained contribution to knowledge in education policy, management and practice through a major research dissertation and to develop an advanced understanding of politics and ethics of education policy, research and management.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the course you will be able to:
Develop, integrate and apply the multidisciplinary skills and knowledge that are required to progress education policy, management and practice
Utilise knowledge gained of research principles and methods in order to plan, execute, and communicate a research study and its results
Undertake research that makes an original, sustained contribution to knowledge in education policy, management and practice
Develop an advanced understanding of, and contribute to, the politics and ethics of education policy, research, leadership and management

Student progression rules

The award of a grade of Fail (F) in the same topic on more than one occasion or in more than one topic, may constitute prima facie evidence of unsatisfactory progress for the purposes of the University's Policy on Student Progress.

Students must achieve a GPA of at least 5 in EDUC9973 and successfuly complete a Confirmation of Candidature Milestone to proceed to EDUC9974 in semester 2 of year 1 and the time-based research project in Year 2.

Progression in the time-based, supervised research project is governed by the Higher Degrees by Research Policy.


Course/Exit award association