
The Master of Education - Research is only available as an exit award. The course is offered by the College of Education, Psychology and Social Work.Subject to meeting the specific requirements of the Program of Study below and on completion of at least 36 units in the Doctor of Education … For more content click the Read More button below.

Student guidance

Program of study overview


The course provides candidates with high level and specialist studies enabling them to develop skills and knowledge to undertake a variety of advanced professional roles in education. It is expected that graduates of this award will be able to understand recent developments that underpin progress in education policy, management and practice and develop the creative and analytical skills to be able to contribute to it.

The course also enables candidates to make contribution to knowledge in education policy, management and practice through a research project.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the course you will be able to:
Investigate, analyse and apply the skills and knowledge that enable progress in education policy, management and practice to occur
Utilise knowledge gained of research principles and methods in order to plan, execute and communicate substantial research that makes a contribution to knowledge in education policy, management and practice


Course/Exit award association