Student guidance
Program of study
180 Units
Admission requirements
The overall aim of the double degree course is to prepare the graduate for entry level clinical practice as an optometrist in a range of urban, rural and remote settings; to be a well-informed health professional; and to acquire critical skills in appraising scientific and clinical information. In addition, the double degree course is designed to produce graduates who as health scientists are specialists in the area of vision science, and possess well developed skills to undertake a range of careers within the health sector. Students also gain the specialist knowledge, clinical skills and attitudes necessary to be registered by the Optometry Board of Australia as an optometrist.
Learning outcomes
Student progression rules
Students achieving a GPA of at least 5 at the end of third year will be eligible to continue into the fourth year of the course. Students who do not meet the GPA requirement will be able to exit with the Bachelor of Health Sciences (Vision Science) on completion of 108 units according to the first three years of study in the degree.
The award of a grade of Fail (F) in the same topic on more than one occasion or failure to complete the course within eight consecutive years may constitute prima facie evidence of unsatisfactory progress for the purposes of the University's Policy on Student Progress.