
The Diploma in Disability and Community Practice requires 1 year of full-time study (or the equivalent part time).  The course is offered by the College of Nursing and Health Sciences.The course articulates with the 72 unit Associate Degree in Disability and Community Practice, the 108 unit Bachelor of Disability and … For more content click the Read More button below.

Course offerings

Bedford Park

Courses / qualifications may not be offered in all locations and modes each year.  For more information on Mode of Delivery, visit Mode definitions

Student guidance

Study planner
Program of study overview
Program of study notes

Admission requirements

Admission requirements


The Diploma of Disability and Community Practice is focused on promoting the rights of people with disability to inclusive lives.

The program provides students with work-relevant skills and knowledge they can apply in a wide range of contexts in disability, health and human services fields.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the course you will be able to:
Articulate and activate human rights in the lives of people with disability
Work in alliance with people with disability, their families and advocates to promote inclusion and quality in life
Promote the physical and emotional well-being of people with disability
Use advocacy, negotiation and person-centred planning skills to facilitate community inclusion with and for people with disability

Student progression rules

The award of a grade of Fail (F) in the same topic on more than one occasion or failure to complete the course within two consecutive years, may constitute prima facie evidence of unsatisfactory progress for the purpose of the University's Policy on Student Progress.