
The Master of Education - Offshore requires 1.5 years of full-time study (or the equivalent part-time). The course is offered by the College of Education, Psychology and Social Work in conjunction with our partner institution Capital Normal University.

Course offerings

Beijing, China

Courses / qualifications may not be offered in all locations and modes each year.  For more information on Mode of Delivery, visit Mode definitions

Student guidance

Study planner
Program of study overview
Program of study notes

Admission requirements

Admission requirements


The course provides candidates with opportunities to critically examine recent literature, engage in debate and reflection, and develop and apply in-depth knowledge of:

  • Traditions of thought and analysis used to discuss and illuminate matters of educational policy and practice
  • Theoretical and practical matters in education in such a way as to improve professional decision making
  • The variety of educational research methods and their application
  • Local and global, social, cultural, political and economic perspectives and practices associated with the education of children, young people and adults
  • Curriculum, pedagogy and assessment, policies and practices designed to improve learning outcomes and well-being for students/clients
  • Methods for fostering interdisciplinary and intercultural partnerships and working collaboratively
  • Procedures for analysis, synthesis and reporting of qualitative and quantitative data

Learning outcomes

On completion of the course you will be able to:
Evaluate current literature in the field of education with an informed, critical perspective
Critically discuss and evaluate current theory and research in selected areas of educational policy and practice
Develop dispositions, cognitive skills, reflective awareness and creativity to facilitate the application of evidence-based knowledge, skills and capacities to educational practices
Synthesise knowledge gained from reading, discussion, and writing to generate conceptual frameworks that are used to evaluate educational research, policies and practices
Invoke contemporary evidence-based knowledge when assuming leadership roles in educational contexts
Advocate for and contribute to the generation of evidence-based educational policies and practices
Formulate research questions to investigate issues of interest and/or current concern in Education
Generate detailed proposals for educational research, including consideration of ethical research standards, methods and timelines
Undertake a substantial independent research project
Communicate findings from analysis and synthesis of reading and personal research using high standards of academic literacy


Onshore/Offshore association