
To be read in conjunction with the program of study requirements of the course in which you are enrolled.

Student guidance

Program of study overview
Program of study notes

Program of study
36 Units


The course aims to:

  • Provide students with advanced skills in legal research and writing
  • Provide students with the skills to present their research orally and in writing
  • Encourage students to become independent thinkers and researchers

Learning outcomes

On completion students will be able to:
Demonstrate legal knowledge required for admission to practise law
Analyse factual, legal and policy issues by interpreting information and undertaking research
Use legal knowledge to solve novel problems and evaluate complex issues
Persuade effectively through professional oral, written and visual communication
Collaborate effectively to manage professional projects focussed on innovation, change or social impact
Critically evaluate the theory and practice of law
Demonstrate to a high level personal autonomy, accountability and ethical behaviour
Conduct independent and original research using research principles and methods applicable to legal research and critically evaluate and analyse research results

Available in courses

Bachelor of Laws (Honours) - Legal Practice Entry / Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Laws (Honours) - 4 years
Bachelor of Laws (Honours) - Legal Practice Entry - 4 years
Bachelor of Laws (Honours) - Legal Practice Entry / Bachelor of Information Technology
Bachelor of Laws (Honours) - Legal Practice Entry / Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Laws (Honours) - Legal Practice Entry / Bachelor of Accounting
Bachelor of Laws (Honours) - Legal Practice Entry / Bachelor of Criminology
Bachelor of Laws (Honours) - Legal Practice Entry / Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Laws (Honours) - Legal Practice Entry / Bachelor of International Relations and Political Science