Student guidance
Program of study
144 Units
Admission requirements
The course aims to:
- Provide students with a sound training in law and legal skills
- Emphasise the acquisition on foundation legal skills through the integration of skills training with the teaching of substantive subjects
- Instil in students a desire for just outcomes, a broad outlook on law and a commitment to ethical conduct
- Equip students to develop an innovation and entrepreneurial mindset to respond to 21st century opportunities
Learning outcomes
Student progression rules
To satisfy external accreditation, the program must be completed within ten consecutive years, except with the permission of the Dean (Education).
The award of a grade of Fail (F) on more than one occasion in the same topic, which may include attempts of the same topic undertaken in other awards, may constitute prima facie evidence of unsatisfactory progress for the purposes of the University's Policy on Student Progress.
Part-time students should note that minimum enrolment requirements apply in their first semester of study. Students must undertake both LLAW1311 Introduction to Law and Justice and LLAW1312 Essential Legal Skills in their first semester.
Upon completion of 36 units a student may choose to exit with Diploma in Laws, subject to meeting the program of study for that award.