
The Bachelor of Medical Science (Laboratory Medicine) requires 4 years of full-time study (or the equivalent part-time) which includes a 1 year of full time Professional Practice component. The course is offered by the College of Medicine and Public Health.The course meets requirements as specified in the SA Health Allied … For more content click the Read More button below.

Student guidance

Program of study overview
Program of study notes

Program of study
144 Units

Admission requirements

Admission requirements
Special requirements
English Language requirements


The course has been designed to produce graduates who as medical scientists are knowledgeable specialists in a major area of science and possess well-developed practical laboratory skills and abilities to liaise with other groups of scientists and professional bodies.

The course aims to:

  • Provide the scientific and theoretical understanding that underpins fundamental aspects of physiology and pathology
  • Provide a structured approach to the acquisition of medical laboratory skills and competencies through laboratory learning made possible by the physical location of the College within the Flinders Medical Centre and the co-operative industry partnerships between diagnostic pathology laboratories and Flinders University
  • Give students the opportunity to apply pathology learning in a diagnostic laboratory setting
  • Ensure students gain an understanding of the professional roles and responsibilities of laboratory medical scientists and experience developing professional relationships
  • Prepare students for a range of careers within the medical sciences
  • Prepare students for entry into a variety of undergraduate courses leading to specific health professions

Student progression rules

Students achieving a GPA of at least 5 at the end of third year will be eligible to continue into the fourth year of the course. Students who do not meet the GPA requirement will be able to exit with the Bachelor of Medical Science.

The award of a grade of Fail (F) in the same topic on more than one occasion or failure to complete the course within nine consecutive years may constitute prima facie evidence of unsatisfactory progress for the purposes of the University's Policy on Student Progress.

Professional accreditation and recognition

Professional accreditation


Course/Course specialisation association
Honours - Embedded/Bachelor association