
This course prepares graduates to be accredited counsellors. It offers contemporary and emerging counselling theories and approaches that can be integrated across diverse practice settings to improve health outcomes for individuals and communities. Students undertake supervised industry placements, engage in research in an area of interest and learn from a … For more content click the Read More button below.

Student guidance

Program of study overview
Program of study notes

Admission requirements

Admission requirements
English Language requirements


This course aims to:

  • Accredit graduates as a Counsellor with the Singapore Association for Counselling (Singapore), and the Australian Counselling Association (Australia), alongside their post-graduate qualification
  • Provide comprehensive knowledge of evidence-based counselling approaches for whole of person health, and wellbeing across the lifespan

Learning outcomes

On completion of the course you will be able to:
Conduct comprehensive assessments and deliver treatment for a range of mental and physical health conditions using contemporary evidence to work with a range of people
Integrate valid and reliable engagement and outcome measures to guide and inform assessment and support with people across the continuum of care
Contribute to an evolving model of health care at the local and global level
Practice as a proficient and competent counsellor using a range of counselling approaches that are empirically informed
Provide adapted, person-centric support that recognises the variance of health and illness across a continuum
Recognise culture, identity and choice is inherent in contemporary counselling practice

Student progression rules

Failure to complete the course within 4 years, may constitute prima facie evidence of unsatisfactory progress for the purposes of the University’s Student Progress Policy.

Professional accreditation and recognition

Professional accreditation