The Bachelor of Languages requires 3 years of full-time study (or the equivalent part-time). The course is offered by the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences.The course is also available as an exit award for existing students from the Bachelor of Education (Secondary), Bachelor of Languages or Bachelor of … For more content click the Read More button below.
Student guidance
Study planner
Program of study overview
Program of study notes
Program of study
108 Units
Year 136 Units
Year 236 Units
Year 336 Units
Majors - Target Language36 Units
Majors - Second Major36 Units
Minors18 Units
Option - Level 2 and 3 Topics
Admission requirements
Admission requirements
English Language requirements
The course aims to:
- Provide high levels of proficiency in the target language within a curricular framework that fosters the development of advanced levels of linguistic and cultural competency for languages-oriented university students
- Expose students to a wide body of specific and cross-disciplinary knowledge relative to language acquisition and cultural practices, to Applied Linguistics, to Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) or to English, depending on the program of study chosen
- Provide a foundation at First Year level for metacognitive training to enhance language acquisition and maximise opportunities to progress in language learning within and beyond the classroom
- Train students to form broad conceptual understandings while gaining depth of knowledge within a chosen language field that includes a supervised upper-level study project
Learning outcomes
On completion of the course you will be able to:
Communicate at a high level of competence in the main target language of study
Demonstrate competency in a second target language of study or have gained knowledge and skills in one of the following areas of study: Applied Linguistics, English, TESOL
Have developed an understanding of language acquisition
Demonstrate broad knowledge of Cultural Studies relative to their language of study
Have developed critical understanding of theories and/or principles underpinning the chosen area of Language Studies, and knowledge of current issues therein
Undertake and successfully complete a research project at third level in a specific area of Language Studies
Demonstrate knowledge and skills in relation to inter-cultural communication
Have developed understanding and respect for cultural and linguistic diversity
Combined degree association