
The Bachelor of Letters (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) is studied concurrently with another bachelor degree from an approved Australian higher education institution. 72 units of block credit will be awarded on completion of the requirements of the other degree. The Bachelor of Letters (Teaching English to Speakers … For more content click the Read More button below.

Student guidance

Program of study overview
Program of study notes

Program of study
36 Units

Level 1 - Core9 Units
Level 2 - Core9 Units
Level 3 - Core9 Units
Option9 Units

Admission requirements

Admission requirements


The course specialisation aims to .

  • Provide students with the essential knowledge of second language acquisition theories they need to become TESOL practitioners
  • Provide students with the essential tools for classroom practice they need to become TESOL practitioners
  • Develop students' awareness of the diverse linguistic and cultural communities who are learning English as a second/additional language
  • Develop students' ability to connect across geographical, social and cultural boundariese
  • Produce graduates who are able to teach English to speakers of other languages in a range of contexts, locally and globally, and who strive to continually improve their knowledge of the field and their teaching practice


Course/Course specialisation association