The Bachelor of Performance (Acting) is an immersive program that combines practical, professional actor training with intellectually stimulating study in dramatic history, theory, and criticism. The training emphasises exploring the actor's craft through ensemble building, script analysis, character development, movement, voice, and speech. Students engage in practical performance training in … For more content click the Read More button below.
Student guidance
Study planner
Program of study overview
Program of study notes
Program of study
108 Units
Year 136 Units
Year 236 Units
Year 336 Units
Admission requirements
Admission requirements
English Language requirements
The Bachelor of Performance (Acting) aims to produce versatile actors who can work across stage, screen, and digital platforms. The program is designed to train students as creative thinkers, collaborators, and cultural producers who can adapt to the ever-changing industry. We aim to graduate thoughtful actors who understand the theatrical past so that they can shape the future of performance.
Learning outcomes
On completion of the course you will be able to:
Create distinctive, nuanced, and complex performances for diverse live and digital platforms, both individually and in collaboration with others
Synthesise practical skills and theoretical knowledge to conceive and perform creative work to a professional standard
Experiment with a variety of performance styles and techniques to communicate meaning to audiences
Evaluate issues and formulate innovative solutions to complex intellectual and practical problems in the context of live and digital performance
Reflect on creative works from diverse global socio-political, historical contexts
Critique the ethics of representation and intersectional equity in performance
Student progression rules
The award of a grade of Fail (F) on more than one occasion in the same topic, may constitute prima facie evidence of unsatisfactory progress for the purposes of the University's Policy on Student Progress.
Course/Course specialisation association
Honours - 1 year/Bachelor association