
The Bachelor of Laws (Honours) - 4 years is designed to offer students of exceptional merit the opportunity to maximise their potential, by providing an environment in which students with similar capabilities and interests will work with key staff of the College to develop their legal knowledge and expertise as … For more content click the Read More button below.

Course offerings

Bedford Park

Courses / qualifications may not be offered in all locations and modes each year.  For more information on Mode of Delivery, visit Mode definitions

Student guidance

Study planner
Program of study overview
Program of study notes

Program of study
144 Units

Year 336 Units
Year 436 Units
Honours Program

Admission requirements

Admission requirements
Inherent requirements
English Language requirements


The course aims to:

  • Provide students with a sound training in law and legal skills
  • Emphasise the acquisition of foundation legal skills through the integration of skills training with the teaching of substantive subjects
  • Instil in students a desire for just outcomes, a broad outlook on law and a commitment to ethical conduct
  • Develop the capacity to engage deeply and critically with legal knowledge
  • Provide students with a sound training in high level academic research and writing skills
  • Equip students to develop an innovation and entrepreneurial mindset to respond to 21st century opportunities

Learning outcomes

On completion of the course you will be able to:
Demonstrate legal knowledge required for admission to practise law
Analyse factual, legal and policy issues by interpreting information and undertaking research
Use legal knowledge to solve novel problems and evaluate complex issues
Persuade effectively through professional oral, written and visual communication
Collaborate effectively to manage professional projects focussed on innovation, change or social impact
Critically evaluate the theory and practice of law
Demonstrate to a high level personal autonomy, accountability and ethical behaviour
Conduct independent and original research using research principles and methods applicable to legal research and critically evaluate and analyse research results

Student progression rules

To commence the Bachelor of Laws Honours program, students require either (a) a GPA of at least 5.7, or (b) receive approval from the college based on other evidence of their suitability. Those not meeting this requirement will exit to the Bachelor of Laws.

The award of a grade of Fail (F) on more than one occasion in the same topic, which may include attempts of the same topic undertaken in other awards, may constitute prima facie evidence of unsatisfactory progress for the purposes of the University's Policy on Student Progress.

Failure to complete the course within ten consecutive years, may constitute prima facie evidence of unsatisfactory progress for the purposes of the University's Policy on Student Progress. Where permission is given to complete in more than ten consecutive years, there may be a requirement for additional coursework in order to ensure relevant and up-to-date knowledge.

Students who have have achieved a grade of P or NGP or better in all core topics and have no more than 9 units of option topics remaining to complete according to the Bachelor of Laws (Honours) program of study below, will qualify for admission to the Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice. A student permitted to enrol concurrently in the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice and the final period of study of an undergraduate degree will not be awarded the Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice until the undergraduate degree is completed.

Professional accreditation and recognition

Professional accreditation